Urban Ecology, Construction and Climate Change was an online event held on 19th May. The convening included a number of organisations including Green Artha, ATREE, Sacred Groves, Azim Premji University, Biome, Smarter Dharma, NIUA, IITM, IGBC, Citizen Matters, VA, Selco Foundation, Sathya Consultants, Brigade, Janaagraha and BMS-SA. The goal was to understand the challenges of existing practices in construction, and its role in climate change. Links to video and presentations available.


  • Urban Ecology, Construction and Climate Change

    Poster of event invite

  • Urban Construction and Environmental Impact

    Urban construction and environmental impact by Sriram Kuchimanchi (Smarter Dharma)

  • Community-led infrastructure: Retrofit planning to make water positive neighbourhoods

    Community-led infrastructure: Retrofit planning to make water positive neighbourhoods by Dr. Bhakti Devi (Rishihood University)

  • Regenerative Architecture

    The Q&A method to Regenerative Architecture! by Manu Gopalan (Sacred Groves)

  • Climate change, energy and urban resilience

    Climate change, energy and urban resilience by Nirmita Chandrashekar (Selco Foundation)

  • Impact of sand mining

    The social, ecological and economic impact of cement-driven construction, with respect to sand mining by Siddharth Agarwal (Veditum Foundation)

  • Blue, green and grey infrastructures

    Interlinkages between blue, green and grey infrastructures by Shreya Nath (ATREE)

  • Challenges and roadblocks to sustainable practices in construction

    Challenges and roadblocks to sustainable practices in the construction process by Ajay Koshy (Brigade Group)

  • Tyranny of small decisions

    Tyranny of small decisions by Chitra Vishwanath (Biome Environmental Solutions)

  • Technologies for low carbon lean construction

    Technologies for low carbon lean construction by Dr. Nikhil Bugalia (IIT Madras)
