Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules 2019
Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules of 2019 are rules and guidelines for construction of buildings - residential and commercial in Tamil Nadu including Chennai Corporation Limits.
The document is from February 2019
GCC Budget 2023-24
Budget documents for GCC budget 2023-24.
- Budget speech by Finance division chairman (in Tamil)
- Budget at a glance
- Department-wise receipts and expenditures
- North division (zones 1-5), central (zones 5-10), south (zones 11-15) receipts and expenditures
- Elementary education expenditure budget
- Action taken report for 2022-23 (in Tamil)
Chennai Slums
Maps with locations and details of slums and slum boundaries.
Chennai Shelters
Shelters in Chennai. Shelters can be for children, aged, men and women.