Bengaluru Urban Revenue Maps
Revenue maps for different hoblis of Bengaluru.
Each map is of one hobli.
Each hobli is parceled into survey numbers and these maps help you zoom into and look at the survey numbers at Hobli level.
Libraries in Karnataka
Data of libraries in Karnataka across districts and of individual districts where available.
Bengaluru - Transport Network by Taluks
Transport network of Bengaluru district at Taluk level.
1. Maps of roadways, railways, settlements at each taluk in pdf format. Layers can be extracted.
2. Maps of roadways in kml format for entire district as well as Taluk level.
BWSSB Boundary Maps
Maps of BWSSB Boundaries:
Service station divisions
Bengaluru and Karnataka Colleges
Colleges and Universities in Bengaluru and Karnataka
- PU Colleges
- Degree colleges
- Govt degree colleges
- Engineering colleges
- Polytechnics
- Universities