BESCOM Consumption Data
Consumption data for Bescom in terms of revenue demand and collection, number of consumers and units consumed from 2010-11 onwards
BESCOM EV Consumption Data
Data on EV consumption - number of chargers as well as total units over the years from 2020-21 to 2022-23.
BESCOM jurisdiction includes areas surrounding Bengaluru too.
BESCOM Low-Tension (LT) Lines Data
Data about Low-tension (LT) lines of Bescom from the year 2018.
Data includes the total length of LT lines in km each year, additions/deletions for overhead, underground and AB lines, in km.
BWSSB Boundary Maps
Maps of BWSSB Boundaries:
Service station divisions
BWSSB Sewerage Lines Maps of Bengaluru
Sewage line maps for Bengaluru.
Has detailed maps:
1. Diameter upto 150mm,
2. Diameter between 150 and 300mm.
3. Diameter more than 300mm.
The above three maps from KSRAC, GoK.
Less detailed maps from BWSSB website are also available:
1. Diameter below 300mm.
2. Diameter above 300mm.